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Thanks to all the friends I know or don't know visit this website and your support will motivate me for further improvement.  Don't be hesitate to drop me a mail if you have anything to say!!

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To have a own website is always a dream of my since internet is connecting people around the world to bring them closer.  It opens up a new window for us to reach out to each other no matter how far we are apart. With the magic "link", we found ourselves as several circles that we all connected in some way Melody Place is designed not only for a personal website but will share some good articles and nice photo with you.  This website would be a collection of data and messages that I have received through my E-mail.  

Thanks to the advance technology such as e-mail, there is no limit on the information flow.  My acknowledgement goes to the original authors (even though I have no idea who they are) and would also like to express my sincere gratitude to those provide me with the data.   


Last modified : 12th Feb 2004                                                                                                     

First published: 9th Dec 2001